Whether you are unable to carry a child of your own or are in a same sex relationship, you may consider surrogacy as a way to grow your family. At Simple Surrogacy, we work carefully to ensure a good match between the Surrogate and the Intended Parents.

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From a Surrogate’s Perspective

A woman becomes a surrogate in order to help intended parents build their family. As a surrogate, you will be asked questions that will provide value to both prospective intended parents and the agency to ensure you find an ideal match. It is important to be honest and provide information that you’d want to know if the roles were reversed.

At Simple Surrogacy, we understand the sacrifices you make in accepting the responsibility of creating a life for the intended parents. We take care of you and work on your behalf throughout the pregnancy in order to enable the best pregnancy possible. At Simple Surrogacy, the process to apply to be a surrogate is simple! From 24-hour support to fully funded escrow accounts, surrogacy comes with a variety of benefits!

From the Intended Parent’s Perspective

Simple Surrogacy is here to mend your heartache and help you achieve your dreams of parenthood. We understand how confusing and stressful the Surrogacy process can be. That’s why we are here to ensure your journey is as simple and enjoyable as possible. At Simple Surrogacy, we care about your aspirations and conduct a thorough background check on all our surrogates.

Your surrogate is carrying your future child for 9 months. Therefore, it is vital that you two create a meaningful relationship with one another. You must be on the same page as your surrogate and make ensure that you discuss how involved she will be after the pregnancy.

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